Pistachio Chewy Bite Granola
Yields about 2 1/4 cups granola
2 cups organic gluten-free rolled oats
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground allspice
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
2 tablespoons neutral tasting oil or virgin coconut oil
3 tablespoons maple syrup
6 Setton Farms Pistachio Chewy Bites (1 bag)
Pre-heat oven to 350°F.
Chop all 6 chewy bites into 12 pieces per Pistachio Chewy Bite. Set aside 2 chopped Pistachio Chewy Bites, and place remainder in a small bowl.
In a mixing bowl, combine oats, vanilla extract, sea salt, cinnamon, allspice, cloves oil, maple syrup and 4 chopped Pistachio Chewy Bites. Coat evenly.
Spread mixture on a greased, walled cookie sheet.
Bake for 10 minutes, then open oven and stir, bringing granola on edges towards center. Repeat every 5 minutes, until mixture has baked for about 20-22 minutes. Moving granola around during baking, prevents burning. Fold in remaining two Pistachio Chewy Bites. Let cool completely before serving or storing.
Note: The granola can keep for up to 2 weeks if stored in an airtight container. No need to refrigerate.
Source: Spork Foods