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Pistachio Chewy Bite Sweet Potato Toast


One medium to large sweet potato​

Sweet potato topper ideas:
Base layer:

  • Almond (or other) nut butter 

  • Almond cheese spread  

  • Plain Greek style non-dairy yogurt 

  • Hummus, store bought or home made


  • Avocado, sliced or cubed

  • Setton Farms Pistachio Chewy Bites (chopped) 

  • Strawberries (sliced), blueberries or any other seasonal berries 

  • Sliced peaches or plums


Wash your sweet potato very well. ​

Slice the sweet potato into rounds that have about 1/4” thickness. ​

Toast in a toaster or in a toaster oven. Set your toaster or toaster oven to a setting about halfway on your dial (to get the right “doneness”). You may have to toast it once on your chosen setting and then put the potatoes back in another time or two to reach your desired softness. Just keep your eye on the toast the first time to estimate how long it will take to be done to your liking (usually not more than a few minutes).

Remove the potato slices from the toaster and add your toppings.

First spread your base layer of vegan cream cheese, nut butter, hummus or Greek yogurt.  Make an even layer, enough to coat the full surface of the sweet potato slice.

  • For a savory treat, add sliced avocado to your base layer (I love to combine this one with hummus).

  • For a sweeter option, add sliced fruit or berries to vegan cream cheese, Greek yogurt or almond butter. Indulge yourself and combine your favorites! 

  • Sprinkle mint leaves on top of your blueberries (or strawberries!) for a little extra fresh zip.

Top with chopped Setton Farms Pistachio Chewy Bites. Enjoy! 


Source: Joanne Schneider


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